Orbit (concerto grosso nr. II) (2001) f. 6 percussionists och stringorchestra, was composed 2001 and commissioned by the Kroumata percussion ensemble and the Norrbottens chamber orchestra. First performance took place in Piteå during the festival, Musik i Pite Älvdal, summer 2002, conducted by Petter Sundkvist.
The title which is used to describes the circular movements of the planets in the solar system, also implies the optimal set-up for performance; the soloists in an ring surrounding the audience as well the orchestra, placed in the middle.
This placement reflects in the frequently used stereophonic effects in the piece; effects of changements between instruments of similar timbre, f.i. the marimba v.s vibraphone.
However, it is possible to peform ¨Orbit¨ in a more traditional placement on a stage.

Listen (midiversion - mp3) with excerpt from the score (pdf)